Monday, November 30, 2009




KHUTBAH TERAKHIR NABI MUHAMMAD S.A.W. (from kluangman blogspot)

Khutbah ini disampaikan pada 9hb Zulhijjah
Tahun 10 Hijriyah di Lembah Uranah, Gunung Arafah

Wahai manusia, dengarlah baik-baik apa yang hendak kukatakan, Aku tidak mengetahui apakah aku dapat bertemu lagi dengan kamu semua selepas tahun ini. Oleh itu dengarlah dengan teliti kata-kataku ini dan sampaikanlah ia kepada orang-orang yang tidak dapat hadir disini pada hari ini.

Wahai manusia, sepertimana kamu menganggap bulan ini dan Kota ini sebagai suci, maka anggaplah jiwa dan harta setiap orang Muslim sebagai amanah suci. Kembalikan harta yang diamanahkan kepada kamu kepada pemiliknya yang berhak. Janganlah kamu sakiti sesiapapun agar orang lain tidak menyakiti kami lagi. Ingatlah bahawa sesungguhnya, kamu akan menemui Tuhan kamu dan Dia pasti membuat perhitungan diatas segala amalan kamu. Allah telah mengharamkan riba, oleh itu segala urusan yang melibatkan riba dibatalkan sekarang.

Berwaspadalah terhadap syaitan demi keselamatan agama kamu. Dia telah berputus asa untuk menyesatkan kamu dalam perkara-perkara besar, maka berjaga-jagalah supaya kamu tidak mengikuti dalam perkara-perkara kecil.

Wahai Manusia Sebagaimana kamu mempunyai hak atas isteri kamu mereka juga mempunyai hak di atas kamu. Sekiranya mereka menyempurnakan hak mereka keatas kamu, maka mereka, juga berhak untuk diberi makan dan pakaian dalam Susana kasih saying. Layanilah wanita-wanita kamu dengan baik dan berlemah-lembutlah terhadap mereka kerana sesungguhnya mereka adalah teman dan pembantu kamu yang setia. Dan hak kamu atas mereka ialah mereka sama sekali tidak boleh memasukkan orang yang kamu tidak sukai kedalam rumah kamu dan dilarang melakukan zina.

Wahai Manusia, dengarlah bersungguh-sungguh kata-katku ini, sembahlah Allah, dirikanlah sembahyang lima kali sehari, berpuasalah di bulan Ramadhan, dan tunaikankanlah zakat dari harta kekayaan kamu. Kerjakanlah Ibadah Haji sekiranya kamu mampu. Ketahui bahawa setiap Muslim adalah saudara kepada Muslim yang lain. Kamu semua adalah sama; tidak seorang pun yang lebih mulia dari yang lainnya kecuali dalam Taqwa dan beramal saleh.

Ingatlah, bahawa, kamu akan menghadap Allah pada suatu hari untuk dipertanggung jawabkan diatas segala apa yang telah kamu kerjakan. Oleh itu Awasilah agar jangan sekali-kali kamu terkeluar dari landasan kebenaran selepas ketiadaaku.

Wahai Manusia, tidak ada lagi Nabi atau Rasul yang akan datang selepasku dan tidak akan ada lain agama baru. Oleh itu wahai manusia, nilailah dengan betul dan fahamilah kata-kataku yang telah aku sampaikan kepada kamu. Sesungguhnya aku tinggalkan kepada kamu dua perkara yang sekiranya kamu berpegang teguh dan mengikuti kedua-duanya, necaya kamu tidak akan tersesat selama-lamanya. Itulah ALQURAN dan SUNNAHKU.

Hendaklah orang-orang yang mendengar ucapanku, menyampaikan pula kepada orang lain. Semoga yang terakhir lebih memahami kata-kataku dari mereka yang terus mendengar dariku. Saksikanlah Ya Allah, bahawasanya telah aku sampaikan risalahMu kepada hamba-hambaMU.


“Telah bersabda Rasullah s.a.w. Jibrail sentiasa mengharap-harapkan akan menjadi manusia kerana tujuh perkara iaitu, sembahyang yang lima berimam, duduk bersama ulamak-ulamak, menziarah orang sakit, menghantar jenazah, memberi air minum, mendamaikan diantara dua orang bermusuh-musuhan dan memuliakan jiran serta anak-anak yatim. Maka bersungguh-sungguhlah engkau diatas perkara tersebut”.

Telah bersabda Rasullah s.a.w. beramallah engkau dengan lurus hati kerana Allah. Bahawasanya Allah Ta’ala tidak akan menerima melainkan orang yang lurus hatinya. Allah Ta’ala telah berfirman yang bermaksud;

“Barang siapa mengharap untuk berjumpa dengan Tuhanya maka hendaklah
Dia beramal yang baik den janganlah mempersekutukan Tuhan dengan apa
Juga pun”.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Salam Aidul Adha

bekorban apa saja
harta atau nyawa
itulah kaseh mesra
sejati dan mulia

kepentingan sendiri
tidak diingini
bahgia kekasih
saja yang diharapi

untuk menjadi bukti
kaseh yang sejati
itulah tandanya
jika mahu diuji

Friday, November 20, 2009

Un-wind A Bit

The Limits Of Democracy

Herald Globe
Tuesday 17th November, 2009

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Mohamad has singled out India as an Asian country that has 'made the mistake of being too democratic' and compared it unfavourably with China's authoritarian regime.

Mahathir said: 'India, of course, will grow, but more slowly than China. It has the numbers but is not making use of them well.'

He identified China, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan and, 'to a lesser extent', India as the countries which would lead the Asian charge, New Straits Times said Tuesday.

Mahathir, who ruled Malaysia for over two decades, told a seminar on Asia and 21st century that people 'do not understand the limits of democracy'.

'Democracy can be a hindrance to progress because you spend so much time politicking that you don't have time to develop your country.

'In China, there's not much politics. So, they can spend more time developing their country.'

He blamed the West for making democracy and freedom the cornerstone of progress.

It is the West's focus on democracy, civil rights and individual liberties - attributes flaunted by Western governments - that Mahathir identified as being the reason behind 'its economic flaccidity'.

'The British believe a lot in so-called freedom. Their workers must be allowed to go on strike all the time. So, they have the problem of being a very unproductive population.

'They must be free of everything. When you do that, productivity will drop. When productivity drops, you cannot compete.'

Talking about Asia, Mahathir ruled out a role for 'strife-torn' West Asia.

'They are not going to make much progress, unfortunately. They are not going to contribute to the Asia of the 21st century. But it doesn't matter because Asia is such a big place,' Mahathir said.

East Asia's emerging economic dominance over the West is due to its productivity and strong work ethic, he said.

However, the former premier warned of the increasing trend among young Asians to ape Western culture.

'Today, there are places in Tokyo where you see young people with multi-coloured hair. They look like Red Indians. These are the young Japanese who have adopted Western values,' said the octogenarian who continues to draw crowds six years after he quit office.

'They want to be free and be able to change the place they work, hop from one place to another and take marijuana. This is what the Europeans do. This is progress for those young people.'

Seperti biasa, setiap kenyataan yang keluar dari mulut Tun Dr. M akan mendapat riaksi dari pembaca, seperti di bawah ini. enjoy debating...itulah demokrasi.

Enemies of the state - Art Harun (Malaysian Insider)

NOV 19 — India, apparently is a country which has made the "mistake of being too democratic". And, "democracy can be a hindrance to progress because you spend so much time politicking that you don’t have time to develop your country. In China, there’s not much politics. So, they can spend more time developing their country.”

Those are statements attributed to Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad in a IANS report as quoted byMalaysia Today on Tuesday.

I love it when Dr M is being philosophical. Because he makes philosophy, especially political philosophy, interesting. Interesting in a comedic way, I mean.

First and foremost, to put China and India in the same political sphere is an act of questionable wisdom.

India is a parliamentary republic deeply entrenched within the Westminster-typed democracy as practised in the United Kingdom. Malaysia, which was governed by Dr M, practises the Westminster-typed democracy as well, save for the fact that we are not a republic.

China, on the other hand, is not a democratic country at all. It is a communist country. The people have no freedom of speech or at all. They kill their own people for having the guts to stand up and be counted. The so-called leaders do things according to their own whims and fancies. The people just have to accept. There is not election. No voting. No nothing.

(The only good thing about China's administration is the fact that they shoot their civil servants for corruption.)

Dr M must have confused China with Malaysia during his days as the Prime Minister. Save for the fact that Malaysia is not a communist country and we do not shoot our civil servants for corruption, of course.

According to Dr M, the people "do not understand the limits of democracy”. And that dear Doctor, includes the leaders too, if I may add. Which begs the question, what can the people do when they do not understand, or misunderstand, the limits of democracy? Create chaos? If so, isn't it the duty of a responsible government to educate and to protect the people and the state in accordance with the law and the power entrusted by the people?

The real danger to the state is not the people not understanding the limits of democracy. The real danger to the state is the leaders not understanding the limits of their powers.The real danger to the state is the leaders not understanding democracy in itself and its inner working. Because there lies the root of abuses. There lies the root of wrongdoings, corruption, nepotism, cronyism and totalitarian absolutism.

While a responsible government could crush, with all its might and powers, a revolt by people who do not know the limits of democracy, what, on the other side of the fence, can the people do to stop government-sponsored terrors, abuses, financial misdeeds, tortures, transgressions of universal human rights and even downright murders?

Remember Memali? What could the helpless people who, in the mid-80s, were still eating ubi keledek for dinner, do? Other than to bath the dead, pray for them and bury them six feet in the ground? And believe that the dead are going to heaven as "syuhada"? What? And what danger were those people to the state?

In a democracy the people trade some of their freedom for the greater societal benefits that the state manifestly offers. The government is the trustee of the people's freedom and the powers conferred by the people. Those trust properties are to be used only, and only, for the betterment of society and the state. And the people choose those who are to govern. That is the crux of democracy. But does it end there? We vote and so it is democratic? That's it? And upon being elected, we are at your mercy?

What about the performance of the trust?

And so, apparently, if the people know their limits, the leaders can concentrate on developing the country. Like in China. Oh, how blessed is our developed Malaysia. During 22 years of Dr M's rule, when all of us knew our limits, or made to know our limits, he so concentrated on the development of Malaysia. Let's see. We have:

• spanking nice highways but we have to pay tolls and the toll rate keeps on going up like an elevator to nowhere.

• an education system which serves as a fertile breeding ground for racial segregation and good for manufacturing humanoids.

• health care services which are almost non-existent.

• a huge new administrative centre with no viable transportation system and parking space.

• a transportation system which is high on technology but really low on delivery.

• nice tallest twin towers in the world.

• nice race track which hosts three international races per year.

• broadband services which is anything but broad.

• etc, etc

If Dr M was right, that being undemocratic or not so democratic was productive in terms of development, why is Malaysia still not a developed nation after 22 years of benevolent absolutist rule? Why are we now mired in:

• racism — the least said the better.

• religious extremism and persecution — Dr Asri was just charged as I am writing this.

• corruption — look at the Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) 2009 published two days ago.

• governmental abuses — need I list them out?

• human rights transgressions — read Operasi Lalang.

• societal beliefs in tahyul, bomoh and superstition.

• a societal transfixion with celebrity weddings, house decor, body and physical decor and upliftment.

• semi-feudalistic idolatry of leaders and mini emperors.

• stupidity, even in the House of Parliament.

• a bunch of generation Z whose idea of progress is upgrading their iPhone3G to iPhone3GS.

• fill in the blank.

Twenty-two years after. And we have these. Do these exist because our people did not know the limits of democracy for 22 years? Or because our leaders did not know the limit of their powers for 22 years and beyond?

Yes. According to Dr M, the Westerners are wrong for making democracy and freedom the cornerstone of progress. The British are so free they go on strike every other day. Well, who sent people to the moon in 1969? Which part of the world had an industrial revolution? Why have Russia, East Germany, Romania et al embraced democracy and freedom? From whom did we buy our Scorpene? Why glasnost and perestroika? So the people know the limits of freedom and how to behave themselves properly and in accordance with the government's code of behavioural acceptance?

And finally, according to Dr M, apart from China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will lead the Asian charge.

Which made me thinking, were Japan, South Korea and Taiwan governed by a benevolent absolutist government? Do the people in these countries know the limits of democracy? If so, to what extent? And who impose and define these limits on them?

Because the last time I checked, the South Koreans will come out on the street in droves to protest even the misuse of an office eraser by a minister. The Taiwanese, on the other hand, would fight tooth and nail for the right to hog the microphone in their House of Representatives. As for the Japanese, they just booted out their long non-performing government.

So, India is too democratic and therefore they won't succeed?


Lawyer Art Haron's critic of Dr Mahathir's views on democracy has been answered by fellow columnist at The Malaysian Insider

And I answered -

I'm pretty sure,
those starving hard working farmers in India who has to fight drought and fertilizer prices don't give a damn about freedom of speech or expression. It is those comfortably well paid lawyers with some extra time on their hands who are more concerned about these things and write about it.

Before you talk about democracy perhaps it is wise to first elevate the people's (rakyat) quality of living, because like the maslow's hierarchy of needs there are more important things to fulfill before they get to the self actualization level.

India has one of the most open democracy in the world yet the people are still racists. Now what does that tell you, democracy does not make you less racist, education is. In fact during the times of Soviet Union Russians aren't racists at all because communism knows no colour, yet now in a democracy they have the biggest population of skinheads and nazi groups because of economic factor.

If given the chance to an Indian labourer on whether he would prefer to go to Shanghai and lose his democratic rights yet get a good job and stay in Bangalore and be paid peanuts yet he can vote, I think we can pretty much guess the outcome.

And yes Dr M says China, Japan, South Korea and Taiwan will lead the charge.
Japan has been ruled by the same party for over 50 years before, South Korea and Taiwan was once ruled by dictators who are horrible in human rights but spur fast economic growth and efficiency during their time.

There is such a thing as too much democracy, look at Pakistan, apart from cricket the national's favourite past time is politics and it is dominated by lawyers, look how screwed up it gets.

On the other hand, China is being ruled by a group of Engineers and they are flying high.

Dr M is a lousy philosopher yes I agree, and that's why people like him because Philosophers will only talk and do very little while technocrats (like Doctors) do more and talk less. Philosopher ini macam Anwar Ibrahim.

KPI - Rombakan Kabinet Coming Soon

Adalah diharapkan Saf baru DSR Najib benar2 menggambarkan Saf 1Malaysia bagai yang di-uar2kan.

Khabar2 angin:
Noh Omar, Shaziman, Shafie bakal turun. KPI kurang memuaskan?

Sirlin, Mukhriz naik.

KJ - Tim. Menteri?

Thursday, November 19, 2009


Bill Bennett, cendekiawan konservatif berkata semasa program CNN "State Of The Union" ;-
"Ia sangat hodoh. saya tidak mahu menontonnya. Kita tidak tunduk kepada maharaja dan raja. Presiden AS - jika sebelum ini AS banyak memeinta maaf - itu adalah perkara berlainan".

Jayn says : Semua manusia sama kecuali kalau kamu menganggap sebahagian yang lain seperti binatang. Yang membezakan manusia adaalah iman @ faith. Ui..bennet..when you have nothing else except your pride, you can't force people to bow upon teaches the world well.

Sayang Kinabalu

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bajet Sabah 2010

" Kesejahteraan dan Kemakmuran yang Berkesan "


Kota Kinabalu - 13 November 2009. Ucapan bajet 2010 telah dibentangkan oleh YAB Datuk Seri Panglima Musa Hj Aman Ketua Menteri Sabah merangkap Menteri Kewanagan Sabah di Persidangan Dun pada hari ini.

Strategi Bajet:-

Berpaksikan Lima Teras Misi Nasional iaitu :-
1. Memberi fokus kepada meningkatkan ekonomi rantaian nilai lebih tinggi
2. Meningkatkan keupayaan pengetahuan dan inovasi negara serta memupuk minda kelas per-1
3. Menangani masalah ketidakseimbangan sosio-ekonomi secara membina & produktif
4. Meningkatkan tahap dan kemampuan kualiti hidup dan
5. Mengukuhkan keupayaan institusi dan pelaksanaan

Strategi Pencapaian Bajet Dicadangkan :-

  1. Memperkukuhkan kewangan negeri
  2. Meningkatkan kecekapan sistem penyampaian sektor awam, memperkukuhkan tadbir urus dan meningkatkan produktiviti
  3. Memantapkan dan memperluaskan pembangunan dan penyediaan infrastruktur dan komunikasi serta kemudahan-kemudahan awam lain ke arah merangsang perkembangan ekonomi dan sosial
  4. Memesatkan pembangunan modal insan sebagai pemangkin kepada pertumbuhan serta penyertaan dalam ekonomi moden dan meningkatkan daya saing
  5. Merancakkan program pembangunan luar bandar bagi menjamin kualiti dan taraf hidup serta membasmi kemiskinan, dan
  6. Mengemaskini program sosial dan sosio-ekonomi untuk membantu golongan kurang bernasib baik
  • Perbelanjaan perbekalan 2010 - RM3,304.38 juta
  • Perbelanjaan pembangunan 2010 - RM1,1040.48 juta
  • Cukai jualan di bawah kategori Hasil Cukai kekal sebagai sumber hasil utama negeri
  • Royalti minyak penyumbang kedua - dianggarkan RM724.56 juta pada 2010(Petronas)
  • Hasil perhutanan dianggarkan kurang daripa RM100.00 juta pada tahun 2010
  • Anggaran Hasil negeri pada 2010 berjumlah RM3,127.65 juta
  • Imbangan dagangan negeri 2008 meningkat sebanyak 133 % - RM18.1 billion
  • 70 % pelancong yang melawat Sabah adalah pelancong domestik
  • Kadar pengangguran berkurang kepada 4.9% pada 2008 berbanding 5.5% pada 2007
Sesi perbahasan bajet 2010 akan disambung pada 16 November 2009.

Jayn: Jika ada input yang menarik sila berikan untuk dikemukakan. Adalah caranya.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Modal Insan 2020 ?

Berdasarkan karangan murid ini, pelbagai kesimpulan dapat kita rumuskan.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohammad Di History Channel

The Real Malaysian Hero. You Make Us Proud To Be Malaysians (once) sir!

Saya ada melihat iklan di saluran 'favourite' saya di Astro iaitu History Channel berkenaan dokumentari mengenai Dr. Mahathir yang akan disiarkan sebanyak 2 episod pada 15 November dan 22 November (jika tiada perubahan tarikh). Masa tayangan saya tidak pasti.

Apa yang menarik disini ialah, dunia telah mengakui bahawa Tun Dr. Mahathir adalah salah satu daripada lembaran sejarah peradapan dunia moden. Dengan terbitnya rencana ini maka terbuktilah bahawa Dr. Mahathir adalah aset yang tidak ternilai yang dijumpai jauh di dunia timur ketika mana dunia melihat timur ini satu bangsa yang masih tinggal di atas pokok dan bercawat!

Walaupun dokumentari tersebut belum lagi saya tontoni tetapi saya percaya terbitnya rencana ini yang akan ditonton oleh seluruh pelusuk dunia membuktikan bahawa Mahathir merupakan artifak tidak ternilai milik Malaysia.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Official Song For 1Malaysia Pr

Thanks bro Chani for suggesting it. You are the man, bro.

Special cabinet committee to address East Malaysia indigenous communities issues


KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak has agreed to the setting up of a special cabinet committee to address issues relating to the indigenous communities in Sabah and Sarawak.

He said the committee comprising of federal ministers from the two states would look into matters related to challenges faced by Bumiputeras in them and that this was a way for the government look for amicable solutions to integrate the communities concerned in the unity and development of the nation.

"We are rational and moderate. We think of each other. I wish to see issues resolved so as to benefit all quarters.

"So we will have this committee as a means of finding solutions (on outstanding issues)," he said when opening the United Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Organisation's (UPKO) national convention here today. - Bernama

Jayn : Mr. PM , We Sabahan can live peacefully amongst the many races here, despite the intense politicing by some political parties. Because why? we accept our differences and by not poking into someone else biz/life (too much).

Perempuan Juga Jadi Taruhan


Despicable Me . Kerana aku juga seorang perempuan. Yang nasibnya boleh dipolitikkan sesuka hati oleh mereka yang mengangkat diri mereka sebagai golongan paling alim, paling Islam di Malaysia. Selama ini aku amat berlapang dada kerana mengingatkan harga diri seorang perempuan @ isteri, akhirnya dimartabatkan Allah, dalam Islam. Ya, perempuan itu sungguh berharga, justeru itu boleh dijadikan jerat. PAS tahu hakikat itu. Dan dengan liciknya mempergunakan perempuan @ isteri untuk mengikat kesetia-paksaan ahlinya.

Sumpah Politik Pas = Jatuh Talak Tiga Ke Atas Isteri Jika Lompat Parti.

Adakah para alim (unan) ini tidak menyedari implikasi keserakahan mereka ini ke atas golongan wanita @ isteri? Jika para suami mereka tidak lagi "cinta" pada PAS maka dengan sendirinya menjandalah mereka. Atas dosa apa? Bagaimana kebajikan mereka? Nasib anak-anak mereka?

PAS meruntuhkan institusi kekeluargaan. Adakah ini islamik?

Pengakuan Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Samad tentang wujudnya bai'ah atau sumpah menceraikan isteri dengan talak tiga sekiranya ada wakil rakyat Pas berhenti atau keluar parti, agak menggemparkan.

Walaupun cakap-cakap mengenai perkara itu sudah kedengaran ketika isu lompat parti hangat diperkatakan selepas Pilihan Raya Umum Ke-12, ia masih tinggal sebagai desas-desus kerana pemimpin Pas mengunci mulut.

Maka apabila Khalid membuat pengakuan itu, ia membongkarkan apa yang sudah membuak-buak tersimpan sebagai rahsia yang menanti pecah. Awang percaya pendedahan itu bukan sahaja mengejutkan orang ramai malah di kalangan para pemimpin dan ahli parti itu sendiri.

Pelbagai pihak termasuk ulama seperti Mufti Perak, Harussani Zakaria dan Profesor Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi serta badan bukan kerajaan (NGO) Islam membantah bai'ah tersebut yang bercanggah dengan amalan dan nilai Islam sebenar. Beberapa pemimpin pembangkang terutama DAP dan Kelab Penyokong Pas turut mempersoalkannya. Asas bantahan semua pihak cukup jelas iaitu isteri dan perkahwinan yang dilihat mulia tidak sepatutnya menjadi bahan pertaruhan hanya kerana politik.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Salam Dari Tanah Suci Mecca

Selamat beribadat semoga dirahmati Allah. Jika ada rezeki, ada umur, ada kesihatan, suatu saat aku akan ke sana juga. Insyaallah. Marilah kita sama-sama berdoa.

Mudah-mudahan Allah yang maha kuasa maha memimpin:

yang memimpin dan membimbing semua niat
yang memimpin dan membimbing semua gerak
yang memimpin dan membimbing semua rasa
yang memimpin dan membimbing semua fikir

-memimpin dan membimbing fikiran dan perasaan kita agar tetap di jalan yang benar, tetap di jalan yang diredhai-NYA.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Tuhan Tolong Diri Ku

How To Spice Up Your Marital Sex Life

Despair no more, your dismay may end soon, in Terengganu that is.

Oh. dear. A state crisis. Anyway, here's a news report about why some marriages in Terengganu have turned, er , bad and boring ... yawn..... And, yes - the State government has found it important enough to help married couples find that oomph in their sex life and that elusive sweet bliss in their marriage. (source: the Star)

KUALA TERENGGANU: Body odour, humdrum sex and boring pyjamas have been blamed for the high divorce rate in Terengganu and the state government is coming up with innovative ways to improve sexual relations, especially among newly-weds.
Top on its list is to invite cosmetic firms to introduce exotic and sensuous fragrances that can arouse sexual desire.
And husbands and wives are being encouraged to bathe together.
State Religious and Information Committee deputy chairman Muhammad Ramli Nuh believes that these moves can curb the divorce rates among young couples.
He told The Star yesterday that at least three in every 10 marriages in the state end in divorce, adding that separation was now the prevalent trend among couples aged between 25 and 30 years.
Muhammad Ramli said couples who had been married for less than five years and were on the verge of separation had told counsellors that routine sex and body odour were the main reasons for them to want to break up.
He said he was bewildered that some of these couples said their spouses’ old-fashioned pyjamas – sarong and t-shirt – and bad smell during intimate moments made their sex life monotonous or turned them off completely.
“I know of one case where a separation was triggered just because the spouse smelled of fish crackers,” he said.
As such, he said the state government – through state Family Development Board – was asking cosmetic firms to introduce special perfumes for the couples so they could “sustain their relationships, hopefully for eternity.”
Muhammad Ramli said married couples should bathe together to make their relationship more exciting.
“I met this elderly couple in Kelantan, they bathe together although they are grandparents; they enjoy a blissful marriage, this is when I mooted the idea where this method could be introduced as part of the pre-marital courses conducted in the state,” he said.
Muhammad Ramli said the state government was also sourcing for consultants to provide grooming workshops.
“This workshop is not only meant for the wives but also to provide men with tips on how to be attractive to their spouse at all times,” he said.
He said these consultants could also suggest the right lingerie to be worn.
Muhammad Ramli added that the state government had engaged marriage consultants to mediate between feuding couples.

Jayn : I wonder if our CM (Datuk Seri Musa Aman) care to copy Terengganu's antic's!!!!!

They Still Want IJN After All.

Fellow blogger BigDog exposed it here - The IJN disembowelment, part II

They never stop, do they? Damn those fellows. The CEO and his cohorts appear to be the culprits. Do find out their details and expose them, Big Dog.

They are supposed to be mending hearts not injure those with feelings for the downtrodden, the non-corporate guys and the average Joe that Tun Dr Mahathir must have envisaged to also benefit, at low rates, from IJN. If these blokes have their way, only corporate fellows – and only big corporations, at that – will be the major beneficiaries. Making money from people’s hearts. Bloody b…….!

Undisclosed grand design?

I read about the query some people already expressed whether there is a race or competition at amassing wealth among leading politicians.

No matter how much more i (read, we) rant..rant and rant, they will never take heed. heart beat so fast - furious but beaten.

Santai Hujung Minggu

Jayn : Enjoy listening dearie

Got Myself A New Toy To Play With

My Macbook.
Hm.....So much to learn. MAC OS is so different with WIN that most of us familiar with. However, i likes it very much. Almost infatuated. Just like a new love, new gadget also make you sleepless. Can't get enough of it.

Cant you see, i m grinning from ear to ear.

Jayn : Seperti biasa my daughterlah jadi sasaran sms tanya itu ini. Hahaha.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Report Card Menteri Dari Nazir Husin Lempoyang

Hari ini akan ada mesyuarat khas dengan Menteri-Menteri berkenaan KPI. Kalau setakat hari ini, Cikgu Najib sudah ada tersedia repot kad. Semua, selain Rais yang anak Yatim, dipinta datang dengan ibu bapa bertemu Cikgu Najib untuk mengambil kad repot. Berikut adalah komen-komen dalam kad repot masing-masing:

Khalid Nordin: Baik dan tertib dalam kelas. Tumpukan kepada tugas dalam pengajian tinggi dan bukan jadi kontraktor membina pengajian dalam negeri. Rekomen tukar kelas.

Hishamuddin: Murid yang berhati-hati dalam kerja. Sebagai Pengawas, kurangkan beri amaran dan lebihkan bertindak.
Zahid Hamidi: Baiki bahasa Inggeris. Suka main-main. Kurangkan mengampu Cikgu.

Ong Tee Keat: Baik dalam pelajaran. Masaalah pergaulan. Kurangkan kelahi sesama sendiri.

Liow Tong Lai: Jauhkan diri dari bergaul dengan kumpulan yang masaalah bergaul. Sudah menunjukkan kecenderongan untuk kelahi.

Shahrizat Jalil: Tumpukan kerja dan kurangkan menarik perhatian. Isteri Dato Sahak lagi cantik.

Noh Omar: Baiki sebutan bahasa Inggeris. Sebut profesional bukan fofesyenal.

Nazri Aziz: Kurangkan bercakap-cakap dalam kelas. Rekomen tukar kelas.

Ismail Sabri: Terlalu pendiam. Penglibatan dalam darjah kurang menonjol. Rekomen tukar kelas.

Rais Yatim: Sangat baik dalam mata pelajaran bahsa dan sastera. Perlu perbaiki matapelajaran sains.

S Subramaniam: Baik dalam pelajaran dan pengetahuan. Tingkatkan ko korrikulum dan jawatan dalam persatuan. Sedang dipertimbangkan tukar kelas.

Shabery Cheek: Prestasi baik tetapi sedang dipertimbangkan untuk tukar kelas untuk beri laluan Menteri muda.

Koh Tsu Koon: Tingkatkan prestasi. Tidak cukup dengan markah kasihan sahaja.

Nor Mohamad Yakcop: Ulangan peringatan supaya hentikan pembaziran dan berbe.lanja sesuka hati. Sepatutnya ditukar kelas.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Hang Tuah VS Hang Jebat

Teringat 1 katun 80an...

Hang Tuah: Oi jebat derhaka!! Turun kau ke sini!!!

Tiada jawapan... Tuah menyeru lagi:

Jebat! Kalau kau ada di atas tu, jawab "YA" kalau kau tak ada, jawab "OI"

Lalu Jebat pun menjawab: "OI!!"

Hang Tuah: Celaka punya Jebat, kalau aku datang tak pernah ada...

Jayn : Lu fikirlah sendiri

Monday, November 2, 2009

Dr. Asri Tak Boleh...Xavier Boleh !!!

Sekadar menyatakan yang benar. Yang jelas, bila Agama sanggup digadaikan untuk tujuan politik; inilah akibatnya.

Saya bukan bersikap perkauman. Sesiapa yang mengenali saya boleh verify bahawa saya amat moderate dan boleh bergaul dan menerima agama dan budaya siapa saja tanpa prejudice. Tapi kita mesti tahu batasan keterbukaan kita dalam bab-bab agama (Where to draw the line), tanpa mengira kamu PAS kah, UMNO kah atau orang biasa seperti saya.

A big NO.!!! Kata JAIS.

gambar1 ( berbaju kuning itu ialah cekgu jaafar YDP pas kota raja) seorang erdogan pas !

gambar 2. tangan kanan dr xavier yang selalu mengusap anjing kini mengusap mikrofon masjid. ceramah ni ada permit ke tidak ? ceramah ni halal ke tidak ?

gambar 3..kamu sendiri tafsirkan ..masyaallah pas melacurkan masjid demi politik ! KENAPA JAIS TAK SERBU ?

gambar 4. xavier pernah menghina sistem sekolah kebangsaan kerana terlalu 'islamic' !

Gambar dipetik dari : Gerakan AntiPKR Blogspot.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Suami Yang Adil

Sepasang suami isteri, iaitu Jenab dan Ramli sedang bergaduh mengenai keluarga mereka masing-masing. Jenab berkata, Abang memang tidak adil kerana tidak pernah menyukai orang-orang yang mempunyai hubungan kekeluargaan denganku dan lebih menyayangi keluargamu.

Lalu dengan selamba Ramli menjawab, Salah tu ..., buktinya aku lebih menyayangi ibu mertuamu daripada ibu mertuaku sendiri.