“Et tu, Brute?”
Apa lagi akal aku nal liwat rakyat ya |
"But if u follow the press statements"
"Its so blur"
"but basically dsai has made his decision about a mth ago"
"My...we tried to persuade"
"Dsai told me"
"Choose any dun seat"
"Ansari should remain in sabah"
"Because he and tan sri ibrahim are the only two strong muslim leaders"
"Who can become chief minister" ~
Punya power ayat dia ni!
"Yes.. Kacang lupakan kulit"
"I met dsai"
"I told him"
"Pls talk personally to my him"
"Dsai must keep his promise" ~
Ramai dia janji ooooo
"Tapi (blank) if kita lah kan"
"We know someone bertahun tahun"
"Sacrifice everything"
"Money, time, missionaries"
"Neglect his own business"
"Sampai kuat kawasan"
"U think u can deny someone their seat?"
" Dsai I think terlampau mau menang"
"dia cuma nampak things on the face of it"
"Self centred prick" ~ Hahahahahahaha, akhirnya dia sedar
"Gila mau menang" ~ Puterajaya Puterajaya Puterajaya
"Anwar tua sudah.. His convictions berubah at times" ~ Nafsu ndak pandai tua hehehehe
Haji Ansari Abdullah |
"He and his team feel used and betrayed"
"I just saw his face over the last 3 days ~ It broke my heart"
"To see my him like that"
"He sacrificed everything"
“To me, the thing that is worse than death is betrayal. You see, I could conceive death, but I could not conceive betrayal.”
― Malcolm X
Mereka marah.
Mereka sedih.
Mereka rasa dikhianati oleh Individu Bernama Anwar Ibrahim. Maklumat lanjut boleh baca dalam FMT
Mutiny In Sabah PKR .
Mereka itu, terutama group bekas Pengerusi PKR Sabah merangkap Ketua Cabang PKR Tuaran Haji Ansari Abdullah.
Kegembiraan di atas kejayaan Anwar "membeli"
Raja2 Katak Sabah tidak berpanjangan. Gelombang yang dibawa oleh Lajim dan Bumburing ini rupanya tidak seperti yang diharap-harapkan. Anwar dah salah baca atau mungkin juga terlalu desperate. Akhirnya, menjelang PRU 13 ~ senjata yang selama ini diharapkan dapat menikam BN dari depan belakang akhirnya makan tuan.
There is a high possibility that the group of seven will rebel by
leaving the party and contest as independents if they are not chosen as
candidates, the APS source claimed.
Et tu, brute (Anwar)?
"Our hope in Allah never die“
"Although we are angry with dsai"
"He forces my him to do this"
"There is a limit to a persons loyalty"
"Jgn pijak kepala"
"Kalau group my him mengamuk"
"Pakatan akan kalah di sabah"
" If they kacau Dsai better be smart"
"Bn akan tabur duit macam tabur baja" ~
wah wah wah
"Drg ingat senang lawan duit dan jentera bn???" ~
"Kapus kapus oh"
"Di sabah lagi"
My comments in blue.
Hmmmm... what a pity. But what can we say? Itulah anwar yang kamu idolised dulu. It was a mistake," you said. But the cruel thing was, it felt like the mistake was yours, for trusting him.”
It cut deep when betrayed but it cut deepest when betrayed by a friend you trust.
“It is easier to forgive an enemy than to forgive a friend.”
― William Blake
Anwar Ibrahim, bertaubatlah ~ Karpal Singh.